> Tools > Exploit

Proof of Concept tools and, if we are feeling particularly generous, fully working exploits because there is nothing more fun that RCE, except dinner with noptrix of course.

Date File Description OS Author
08-12-2016 freepbxpwn.py FreePBX 13 & 14 - OS command injection - remote exploit Unix pgt
02-01-2015 ap-unlock-v1337.py Apache + PHP 5.* - code execution through php-cgi - remote exploit Unix, Windows noptrix
02-01-2015 easyftp.py Easy FTP Server - "APPE" command buffer overflow - remote exploit Windows Swappage
02-01-2015 wm-imapd.py WorldMail IMAPD - SEH overflow - remote exploit Windows TheXero
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