> Tools > Cryptography

Encrypt all the things! With privacy issues moving up most people agenda with items like PRISM in the news cryptography it one of todays hot topics. It's also pretty useful for exfiltrating data from your target environment, connecting to that C2 box and keeping your loot away from prying eyes.

Date File Description Version Author
01-18-2019 hashmaker-0.0.1.tar.gz Evolutionary Algorithm to create hash algorithms. This can be used to create specialised hash functions for your data. Lets say you have a fixed data set and you need a small but reasonable hash function you can use HashMaker to identify one. HashMaker is using an evolutionary algorithm to create random functions where each genome can hold one or more operators that operate on a fixed size hash state.

0.0.1 ZehMatt
12-12-2019 fasmaes-1.4.tar.gz An AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256 implementation for FASM. Uses the x86 32-bit or 64-bit instruction set and operates completely on the stack. No additional data segments are necessary which makes it easy to integrate the AES functions in any existing project. The implementation is not optimized for speed but for easy maintainability.

1.4 belial
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